Top 5 tea producing countries


1 Sri Lanka – This country produces some of the tastiest teas that you can bea.The  black tea Ceylon is the most famous in the country and represents 9.1% of world tea production. Sri Lanka tea business is 15% of the GDP of the nation.

2 India- Until recently, India was the top exporter of tea in the world, until the place was deposed by China.Some of the best teas that perhaps you’ve heard are Assam and DarJeeling , they coming right of India.The three major regions that are famous for tea plantations in India are Assam, DarJeeling and Coorg. All 3 regions produce teas that are unique and special in their way .Also,Assam and But Jeeling are the most famous teas in the world, after Twinings and  Earl Grey.

3.China- China is currently the most important producer and exporter of tea from around the world.The tea brands  in this country are not as famous as Early Grey, Assam or Jeeling .But nevertheless, herbal teas medicinal and green tea from  here is really tasty and have a lot of health benefits.

4.Kenya- Kenya is among the best tea producing countries in the world, thanks to the famous black tea . Kenya produces approx. 9.6% of the tea in the world, only in 2008, producing approx. 345,800 million tons of tea.

5.Turkey- Turkey produces approx. 6% of total tea worldwide ,in 2008 with 198,046 million tons of tea, exporting a large part in many other countries. Turkish tea, called Cay is extremely famous especially  between the Turkish speaking countries.

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